We would like to welcome parents, carers and children of our prospective Year 7 cohort (September 2025) to our Open Evening. The evening will consist of a welcome talk from the Head Teacher and an opportunity to visit our subject areas for further information and view our school building and facilities, from 5.00pm onwards.

We have a staggered attendance with two opportunities to visit:

5pm – St John Boste, St Joseph’s, St Bede’s and non-feeder primary schools
6pm – Our Lady Queen of Peace, St Michael’s and non-feeder primary schools (please tour school & departments prior and after the talk)

For those attending at 6.00pm it is advised to arrive at least an hour earlier to facilitate a tour of the school and its subject areas. There will be ample opportunity to tour the school following the talk. The canteen will also be open for parents, carers and children to sample the menu, alongside a refreshment area to purchase snacks which will be cash only. The evening will then close by 8pm.

We very much look forward to welcoming you. For any queries, please contact the school’s main office (details above) or email transition@str.bwcet.com