General Enquiries

Address: Biddick Lane, Biddick, Washington, Tyne and Wear, NE38 8AF
Tel: 0191 7161700
Twitter: @StRobertsVIForm


To report a student absence please phone the school on 0191 7161700.

You must contact the school by 9.00am on the first day of their absence and on each consecutive day after that.

Students should complete a Leave of Absence form for known absences. These forms are available from 6th Form. All medical appointments should be made outside of college hours where possible.


Please note that enquiries about your son or daughters well being or progress, please contact their Head of Year in the first instance.
Head of Year 12 – Mrs J Sykes
Assistant Head of Year 12 –
Head of Year 13 – Miss B Salmon
Assistant Head of Year 13 – Mrs A Christie

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