The place to visit for all information advice and guidance relating to your future career pathway and aspirations. Work Experience, Apprenticeships and Employer Engagement opportunities will be updated throughout the year. In the meantime if you have any questions relating to your future career aspirations, then speak to your Tutor or Head of Year.
Careers Advisor Mrs Tracey Green
To book an appointment (Year 8 -13), fill in a request form available from the main school library and post in the letterbox provided or contact Mr Green directly.
Autumn Term 2018 – Student Questionnaire
We are asking all students to complete a short online questionnaire providing us with their current future career aspirations. This information will be used by the careers coordinator to ensure all students are provided with sector specific career related information and opportunities as they become available. Please follow the links below:
Register on U-Explore your gateway to careers advice, support and guidance
The school uses an online system to support students in their career pathways and choices throughout school life. This is accessible by staff, students and parents. Login/registration details are available from tutors.