Careers Education in our school provides all pupils with the opportunity to consider the full range of opportunities and pathways on offer at key stages of their education and beyond. All pupils in every year group study a structured careers programme to meet their needs each academic year.

For further information regarding our careers provision in school please contact our Careers Leader:
Careers Leader : Mr John Green (Assistant Head Teacher)
Contact email:
Contact telephone number: 0191 7161700

The careers programme is structured to ensure pupils are full prepared for choices at key times in their education including Year 9 Options, Year 11 Pathway choices and the range of opportunities available after leaving our Sixth Form. Our school uses the Gatsby Benchmarks to monitor and evaluate the quality of provision on offer – the careers section of this website has been divided into each benchmark to allow easy navigation to each focus area.

Some of the opportunities on offer include:

Careers Programme during PSHE lessons (Years 7-13)
Guest Speakers in School
Workplace Visits
Careers Fair in February each year
Work Experience for Year 10
Work Experience for Year 12
Aspirations Interviews: Year 11
Impartial careers Interview with Careers Advisor for Year 11 and Year 12
Labour Market Information Dashboard on Screens around school
Carousel Mock Interviews for Year 11 and 13
ASK Apprenticeship Workshops and talks for Years 10-13
NELEP Talks and opportunities
Governor talks – Year 8
The Launch Group Interview experience and workshop – Year 13
ESH Group ‘Building my Skills Programme’ – Year 9/10

A summary of the careers programme, can be found under CEIAG Curriculum (Gatsby Benchmark 1)

‘Every school and college should have an embedded programme of career education and guidance that is known and understood by pupils, parents, teachers and employers.’ Gatsby Framework

Our provider access arrangements can be found under the ‘Information for Employers, Colleges and Training Providers’ section of our website.

Measuring the Impact of Careers Education in School

The school measures the overall impact of Careers Education in school in several ways including:
·         Use of the COMPASS tool to review the coverage of each Gatsby Benchmark
·         Analysis of Destination Data
·         Tracking of pupil’s pathway choices and career experiences
·         Y11 Aspiration Interview Data on chosen destinations
·         Monitoring of PSHE Lessons throughout the year
·         Pupil Work Sampling
·         Feedback from Pupils, Parents and Teachers on our Careers Provision. (Questionnaire links on this Website)

Review of Careers Education and Programme

Careers information on this website is updated at key times throughout the year, with new information and support material updated each week. The Careers Programme and Timeline is normally updated and published during the Summer term for the following academic year.

Next Review: October 2025